Photos of Mark Russell


Mark Russell

Opening bat & WK. Mark has an excellent eye for the ball, and his first two balls faced for the club were duly dispatched for 4 and then 6. Aggressive bat, looking to score at a run a ball and more often than not succeeding. Has been run out a few times but don’t ever mention this as he won’t shut up about it. Available for rub-downs on request.

Statistics for against

First Match: 05/07/2009 vs Badshot Lea
Last Match: 14/07/2024 vs Alderwood
Total Matches: 124
Best Performances
Batting Statistics

80 vs Kempton, 29/05/2016
75 vs Elstead, 06/09/2020
74 vs Milford, 22/05/2016
67 vs Hartley Wintney, 18/06/2023
66 vs Warfield, 15/05/2016
Bowling Statistics

1/23 vs Warfield, 15/05/2016
0/3 vs Elstead, 04/09/2022
0/6 vs Seven Sports, 08/06/2014
0/16 vs Warfield, 17/05/2015
0/20 vs Seven Sports, 05/06/2016
Batting Statistics
Innings: 121
Not Outs*: 5
Runs: 2346
50s: 12
100s: 0
Strike Rate**: 73.91
Average: 20.22
Bowling Statistics
Overs: 24
Wickets: 1
Runs Conceded: 136
Economy: 5.67
Strike Rate: 144.00
5-Wicket Hauls: 0
Average: 136.00
* Including any retirements
** Where data is available